Piper Alpha Oil Rig Explosion Continues to Highlight the Dangers of Lax Safety Measures

The Piper Alpha oil rig explosion, which occurred on July 6, 1988, stands as one of the most devastating industrial disasters in history. The legacy of the Piper Alpha disaster serves as a sobering reminder of the potential consequences of lax safety measures and...

Michigan Petroleum Refinery Explosion Heard and Felt for Miles

A petroleum refinery explosion in White Lake Township, Michigan in November was heard and felt for miles around. Residents report the initial blast knocking items off walls, scaring children and animals, and sending a plume of flames and dark smoke rising well above...

Construction Site Dangers Highlighted after Fatal Gas Pipeline Incident

When it comes to the oil and gas industry, the hazards of the job are well known, particular in regards to offshore or refinery work. Unfortunately, the hazards of working on construction sites where gas pipelines are present are often overlooked. A fatal gas pipeline...