Frequently Asked Questions about Sexual Assault Claims

by | Jul 19, 2023 | Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment

Sexual assault is a devastating and traumatic experience that can have a profound impact on survivors physically, emotionally, and mentally. If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, it is essential to be informed about the legal options available and understand how to pursue justice.

At Kherkher Garcia, LLP, we are fierce advocates for assault victims. In the following article, our sexual assault lawyer addresses some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about sexual assault claims, empowering survivors and their support networks with knowledge to navigate the legal process.

FAQs about Sexual Assault Claims

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault refers to any non-consensual sexual activity, including unwanted touching, kissing, penetration, or any form of sexual contact without explicit consent. It is a criminal offense and is considered a grave violation of an individual’s autonomy and dignity.

Forms of sexual assault can include:

  • Non-consensual sexual intercourse (rape).
  • Forcing or coercing the partner into engaging in unwanted sexual acts or behaviors.
  • Ignoring the partner’s boundaries and engaging in sexual activities despite objections or resistance.
  • Engaging in sexual acts with a partner who is incapacitated due to alcohol, drugs, or unconsciousness.
  • Threatening the partner with harm or consequences if they do not comply with sexual demands.
  • Using emotional manipulation or guilt to pressure the partner into engaging in sexual activity.

Can you be Sexually Assaulted by Someone you are in a Relationship With?

Yes, sexual assault can occur within a relationship, and it is known as “domestic sexual assault” or “intimate partner sexual violence.” Sexual assault in a relationship involves non-consensual sexual acts or behavior where one partner forces or coerces the other into engaging in sexual activities against their will.

It is important to recognize that being in a relationship with someone does not entitle the other person to engage in any form of sexual activity without explicit and ongoing consent. Consent is a crucial aspect of any healthy and respectful relationship, and it must be freely given, informed, enthusiastic, and revocable at any time.

What Constitutes Consent?

“Consent” means overt actions or words that indicate freely given agreement or permission. In order to consent, the person must be competent. They cannot be incapacitated due to intoxication, mental impairment or disability, or lack of consciousness.

What Should I Do If I Am a Victim of Sexual Assault?

If you have been a victim of sexual assault, your safety and well-being are paramount. Here are some crucial steps to consider:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: It is crucial to seek medical attention immediately, even if you are unsure about pursuing legal action. Medical professionals can assess any injuries and collect evidence that may be vital for future legal proceedings.
  2. Preserve Evidence: If possible, preserve any evidence related to the assault, such as clothing, texts, or photographs. These may play a crucial role in a potential investigation.
  3. Report the Assault: Consider reporting the assault to law enforcement as soon as possible. While it can be an emotionally challenging step, it is essential to hold the perpetrator accountable and protect potential future victims.
  4. Reach Out for Support: Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor about the incident. Support networks can be invaluable during this difficult time.

Can I Report Sexual Assault Anonymously?

In many jurisdictions, you can report sexual assault anonymously. However, reporting anonymously might limit the ability of law enforcement to conduct a comprehensive investigation, as they may not have access to your contact information for follow-up.

What Legal Options Do I Have If I Am a Victim of Sexual Assault?

Victims of sexual assault have several legal options, including:

  • Criminal Charges: You can report the assault to law enforcement, leading to criminal charges against the perpetrator. The criminal justice system aims to punish offenders for their actions and protect society from further harm.
  • Civil Lawsuit: Survivors can also pursue a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator seeking compensation for damages such as medical expenses, therapy costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. A civil case is independent of any criminal charges.

If I Have an Ongoing Criminal Case, Can I File a Civil Case?

Yes, you can file a civil case for sexual assault or rape even if there is an ongoing criminal case related to the same incident. A civil lawsuit is a separate legal action from the criminal case and serves different purposes.

The criminal case is initiated by the state or government and seeks to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused perpetrator. If found guilty, the perpetrator may face penalties such as imprisonment or fines. The primary objective of a criminal case is to hold the offender accountable for violating the law and to protect society from potential harm.

On the other hand, a civil case is initiated you, the survivor (plaintiff), against the perpetrator (defendant) seeking compensation for damages resulting from the incident. The civil case aims to provide financial restitution and address the survivor’s personal losses resulting from the assault.

Pursuing a civil case does not interfere with the criminal case, and vice versa. The civil and criminal processes can run concurrently.

What Damages are Available via a Civil Claim?

The damages available in a civil lawsuit may include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Therapy costs
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering

Damages may also include other related losses. Ultimately, the damages you may be eligible for will depend on the facts of your case.

How Long Do I Have to File a Sexual Assault Claim?

The statute of limitations for filing a sexual assault claim varies by jurisdiction and can be influenced by factors such as the age of the survivor at the time of the incident. Some regions have removed or extended the statute of limitations to provide survivors with more time to come forward.

What Evidence is Needed to Prove a Sexual Assault Claim?

To establish a strong case, evidence is crucial. Common evidence used in sexual assault claims may include:

  • Physical Evidence: Medical reports, DNA samples, and forensic evidence collected after the assault can be significant pieces of evidence in a sexual assault claim.
  • Witness Testimonies: Statements from witnesses who saw or heard the assault occur or observed changes in the survivor’s behavior after the incident can be valuable.
  • Documentation: Any documentation, such as text messages or emails, that supports the survivor’s account of the incident can be relevant.
  • Expert Testimonies: Experts, such as medical professionals or forensic specialists, may provide expert testimonies to strengthen the case.

What Happens During a Sexual Assault Investigation?

When you report a sexual assault, law enforcement will typically conduct an investigation. The investigation may involve:

  • Collecting Evidence: Law enforcement will collect evidence from the survivor, the crime scene, and any relevant witnesses.
  • Interviewing Witnesses: Investigators will interview witnesses to gather information about the incident.
  • Gathering Medical Evidence: Medical professionals may conduct examinations to collect evidence of the assault.
  • Interrogating the Perpetrator: If identified, the suspect may be interrogated by law enforcement.

It is important to cooperate with law enforcement during the investigation to increase the likelihood of a successful prosecution.

Will I Be Required to Testify in Court?

As a survivor, you may be required to testify in court if criminal charges are brought against the perpetrator. While this can be an emotionally taxing experience, it is crucial to hold the offender accountable and seek justice.

Can I Seek Legal Help?

Absolutely. It is highly recommended that survivors of sexual assault seek legal counsel from experienced attorneys specializing in sexual assault cases. A skilled attorney can guide you through the legal process, advocate for your rights, and help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.

What is the Legal Process for a Sexual Assault Case?

The steps involved in a sexual assault case can vary depending on the facts of your case. However, the general legal process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Filing Criminal Charges: If the prosecutor believes there is sufficient evidence, they will file criminal charges against the perpetrator, initiating the formal legal process.
  2. Arraignment and Bail Hearing: The suspect is brought before a court for an arraignment, where they are informed of the charges against them. The court will also determine whether the suspect should be released on bail pending trial.
  3. Pretrial Proceedings: Before the trial, both the prosecution and defense may engage in pretrial motions, plea negotiations, and other legal proceedings.
  4. Trial: If the case goes to trial, both sides present their evidence and arguments before a judge or jury. The survivor may be required to testify during the trial.
  5. Verdict: After the trial, the judge or jury will deliver a verdict, finding the defendant either guilty or not guilty.
  6. Sentencing: If the defendant is found guilty, a separate sentencing hearing may take place to determine the appropriate punishment.
  7. Appeals (if applicable): In some cases, the defendant or prosecution may file an appeal if they believe there were legal errors during the trial.

In addition to the criminal process, survivors of sexual assault may also pursue civil claims against the perpetrator for damages, such as medical expenses, therapy costs, and pain and suffering. The civil process can be pursued independently of the criminal case.

What is the Legal Process when Filing a Civil Lawsuit?

Filing a civil lawsuit involves a series of steps that aim to initiate and progress the legal action. The process may vary among different types of civil claim. However, the general steps are as follows:

Consultation with an Attorney

Before filing a civil lawsuit, it is advisable to consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in the relevant area of law. The attorney will evaluate the case’s merits, discuss potential legal strategies, and advise on the best course of action.

Pre-litigation Negotiations

In some cases, the attorney may attempt to resolve the dispute through pre-litigation negotiations. This involves communicating with the opposing party or their attorney to explore the possibility of reaching a settlement without going to court.

Drafting the Complaint

If pre-litigation negotiations fail or are not applicable, the attorney will draft a legal document called the “complaint.” The complaint sets out the plaintiff’s (the person filing the lawsuit) allegations against the defendant (the party being sued) and outlines the legal basis for the claim.

Filing the Complaint

The complaint is filed with the appropriate court, typically the court with jurisdiction over the matter and where the incident or dispute occurred. The plaintiff pays a filing fee to initiate the lawsuit.

Service of Process

After filing the complaint, the plaintiff must formally serve the defendant with a copy of the complaint and a summons, notifying them of the lawsuit and their legal obligation to respond.

The Defendant’s Response

Once served, the defendant has a specified period, typically 20 to 30 days, to respond to the complaint. The response may be an answer, admitting or denying the allegations, and may include counterclaims against the plaintiff.

Discovery Process

After the complaint and response, both parties enter the discovery phase. During this phase, they exchange information and evidence related to the case. Discovery methods may include written interrogatories, requests for documents, depositions, and requests for admissions.

Pretrial Motions

Before the trial, both parties may file pretrial motions to address specific legal issues or seek the court’s ruling on certain matters. Examples include motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment, and motions to exclude evidence.

Mediation and Settlement Negotiations

At any point during the litigation process, the parties may engage in mediation or settlement negotiations to resolve the case out of court. If an agreement is reached, the lawsuit is dismissed, and the terms of the settlement are typically confidential.

Trial Preparation

If the case does not settle, both parties prepare for trial, including finalizing witness lists, exhibits, and trial strategies.


During the trial, both sides present their evidence and arguments before a judge or jury. Witnesses may be called to testify, and both parties have an opportunity to cross-examine the opposing witnesses.

Verdict and Judgment

After the trial, the judge or jury will render a verdict. If the plaintiff prevails, the court will enter a judgment in their favor, specifying the damages awarded, if any.

Appeals (if applicable)

If either party is dissatisfied with the verdict or believes there were legal errors during the trial, they may file an appeal to a higher court.

It is important to recognize that the civil lawsuit process can be lengthy and complex. Having competent legal representation and understanding the steps involved can help you navigate the process and increase the chances of achieving a favorable outcome.

Getting Help with a Sexual Assault Claim

Sexual assault claims are complex and emotionally challenging, but seeking justice is essential for survivors to heal and prevent further harm to others. By understanding the legal options available, victims of sexual assault can make informed decisions about how to proceed. Remember, you are not alone – reach out for support from friends, family, counselors, and legal professionals who can guide you through this difficult journey toward healing and justice.

If you have questions about your legal rights and options, contact Kherkher Garcia. Our team provides confidential consultations that can help you understand your rights and options, and get the support you need. To start your free consultation, call us at 713-333-1030, or fill out our online contact form.

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Steve Kherkher

Steve Kherkher

Founding Partner and Trial Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Injury Trial Lawyer and Founding Firm Partner Steve Kherkher. Steve has been a practicing injury lawyer for more than 30 years. He has won $300 Million+ in Settlements and Verdicts for his clients. He is a force to be reckoned with in the courtroom and the trial lawyer you want on your side if you or a loved one have been catastrophically injured.

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