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Atmos Energy Accident Attorneys: Fighting for Your Rights

Atmos Energy Accident Attorneys: Fighting for Your Rights

Accidents involving natural gas can have catastrophic consequences, leading to serious injuries, fatalities, and significant property damage. Atmos Energy is the largest natural gas-only distributor in the United States. Atmos services more than 3 million customers...

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Why are Patients Filing Tepezza Lawsuits?

Why are Patients Filing Tepezza Lawsuits?

In recent years, Tepezza, a groundbreaking treatment for Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), has offered hope to many patients suffering from this debilitating condition. However, as its usage has increased, so too have reports of severe side effects, particularly those...

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Why are Consumers Suing Novo Nordisk for Ozempic?

Why are Consumers Suing Novo Nordisk for Ozempic?

Ozempic, a medication produced by Novo Nordisk, has garnered significant attention not just for its effectiveness in treating type 2 diabetes, but also due to a spate of consumer lawsuits. The medication, which contains the active ingredient semaglutide, has become...

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Exxon Oil Refinery Without Power Following Tornado

Exxon Oil Refinery Without Power Following Tornado

In the wake of a damaging tornado, an Exxon oil refinery in Joliet, Illinois, one of the nation's largest refineries, has been left without power. This significant disruption highlights the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure to severe weather events and raises...

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Formaldehyde Litigation: Protecting Consumer Rights

Formaldehyde Litigation: Protecting Consumer Rights

Formaldehyde is a chemical compound widely used in various industries, including manufacturing, textiles, and cosmetics. Despite its ubiquitous presence, formaldehyde has been classified as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)...

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What is the Texas Dram Shop Act?

What is the Texas Dram Shop Act?

The Texas Dram Shop Act is a significant piece of legislation designed to address the liability of alcohol-serving establishments, such as bars, restaurants, and liquor stores, when their service results in harm. Enacted as part of the broader civil liability...

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Officials Reject 2015 Pipeline Rupture Rebuild

Officials Reject 2015 Pipeline Rupture Rebuild

The California State Fire Marshal's Office has recently rejected a new risk analysis plan proposed by Sable Offshore for the reopening of a pipeline off the Santa Barbara County coastline. The agency asserts that the plan fails to meet the required higher safety...

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